Monday, July 5, 2010

See you when the World Cup is over...

In 2002 I wrote daily updates about the World Cup on, the forerunner to this site. In 2006, I blogged about watching the World Cup in Crete on 'A lemon tree of our own'.

And this World Cup?

Well, I'll be taking a blogging holiday.

Now, I say that, but don't be surprised if the urge to publish doesn't overcome me and by Tuesday I've started up a currybet World Cup Tumblr or something. I'll certainly be tweeting about it a lot on my brand spanking new World Cup specific Twitter account - @cbet2010

Anyway, I'm not intending to post during the tournament, and instead I'll be concentrating on developing a couple of training courses which I'll be running in the autumn, some presentations I need to get ready, and doing some back-end plumbing on the server to upgrade the software that has faithfully been publishing this site since 2005.

To that end, I'll be switching comments off all across the site during my absence, and almost certainly breaking the whole thing at some point.

If you are looking for something to read in the meantime, and I haven't b0rked all the URLs yet, here are a few of the most popular posts on currybetdotnet over the last few months:

* Do journalists need to learn to be programmers? Yes. And no.
* The digital election: 10 things we've learned so far
* The digital general election: 3 technology trends for next time around
* The only election graphic you need
* 7 ways the UK media scene resembles Doctor Who monsters
* The two sides of Wikipedia
* News apps on the iPad - my first impressions
* Why the BBC Trust simply had to examine the BBC's iPhone plans
* News, sport, weather, TV & radio - sensible BBC global navigation at last
* A thank you to London Underground thanks to abusive National Express East Anglia

And if you want a football-themed currybet fix, then you can revisit my series from around the time of the World Cup draw: "Africa in the FIFA World Cup"
2010 World Cup Poster


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